Session 1: Innovative Computing & Communication
High performance networks
Wireless and sensor networks
Optical Networks
Networking Protocols
Network Design and Performance Analysis
Web engineering
Web Mining
Pervasive Computing
Information and network security
Reconfigurable Architectures
VLSI Design and Test
Embedded systems
Parallel and distributed computing
FPGA/DSP implementation and algorithms
Signal and Image processing
Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
Multimedia and multilingual information systems
Soft computing techniques
Session 2: Ocean Engineering
Marine Vehicles and Floating Systems
Offshore Structures and Deepwater Technology
Marine Hydrodynamics
Port and Harbour Structures
Coastal Engineering
Marine Foundations
Environment Impact Assessment
Ocean Energy, Mining and Dredging
Materials and Corrosion
Marine pollution and Environmental Issues
Instrumentation and Underwater Electronics
Coastal Zone Management & Remote sensing
Ocean Acoustics
【Paper Submission】
Submissions should include an abstract, 5-10 keywords, e-mail address of the corresponding author, and not exceed 4 pages(IEEE Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced), including tables, figures and references, using 10 fonts, and number each page, in PDF, PostScript, or MS Word format. Click here to download the format: MS-WORD .
All papers will be handled electronically; the online mail is here., Tel: (+86)18802716680 or (+86) 027 87608186
We will follow rigorous reviewing process. Submission of a paper should be regarded as assurance that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present it.
All papers are published by IEEE