The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems (ICISS2011,IEEE Conference number:#18896), will be held on
October 24-26, 2011, in Guilin, China. The conference aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and practitioners to exchange and share their theories, methodologies, new ideas, experiences, applications in all areas of intelligent computing and integrated systems. We cordially invite you to submit papers. All papers accepted will be published in the IEEE categorized conference proceedings. All papers accepted will be included in IEEE Xplore database,indexed by EI Compendex.
Submissions of papers describing original work in, but not limited to, the following topics are enthusiastically encouraged.
Genetic Algorithms
Evolutionary Computation
Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing
Distributed and parallel computing
Collaborative computing
Ubiquitous computing
Utility computing
Web-based Computing
Service-oriented computing
Complex distributed systems
Multi-agent systems
Information Security
Service Composition and Orchestration
Data mining & Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Engineering
Intelligent learning systems
Peer-to-Peer Systems
Video & Image Processing
Multi-core and Multithreaded Architectures
Resource Management and Scheduling
Data Intensive Computing and Architecture
Distributed data storage
Distributed multimedia systems
Distributed resource management
Middleware technology
CIMS and Manufacturing Systems
Database Engineering and System
Soft computing
Machine Learning
Pattern Recognition
Intelligent Control
Neural Networks
Nonlinear System and Control
System Theory and Control Theory
Optimization and Swarm Intelligence
Cognitive Radio
Mobile Intelligence
Smart Living Technology
Smart Sensor Networks
Wireless and Mobile Computing
Wireless LANs, MANs, WANs: 3G/4G
Wireless mesh networks
Wireless multicasting, sensor networks
Wireless networks management
Wireless protocols and architectures
Important Dates
May.30, 2011 Full papers submission
June. 30, 2011 Full papers acceptance notification
July. 30, 2011 Final papers submission and registration
会议时间 |
至2011-10-26 |
会议地点 |
主办单位 |
IEEE Beijing Section
联系人 |
Miss Zhang
电话 |
Email |
会议规模 |
会议网址 |
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