(2011-01-15)[香港] 2011神经网络与模糊系统国际学术会议 (FSNC 2011)
2011 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Neural Computing (FSNC 2011)
Hong Kong, China, February 20-21, 2011
2011 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Neural Computing (FSNC 2011) will be held inHong Kong, September 17-18, 2011. FSNC 2011 Proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP. FSNC 2011 will be published by IEEE, Which will be indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP.
2011神经网络与模糊系统国际学术会议将于2月20-21日在香港召开(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。会议由国际智能信息学会,IEEE合作主办,会议论文集将由美国IEEE出版社出版,所有录用的论文将被Ei和ISTP检索(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。但所有论文必须有英文题目,英文摘要和英文参考文选,投稿中文或英文均可(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。会员或学生注册费2400元/篇,同一作者,第二篇起1800元/篇,因故不能参会的作者,会后寄送相关材料!
ISMSE 2011 Paper Submission System: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?iid=31653
Paper Submission Due : Jan 15, 2011(网站待更新)
Acceptance notification: Jan.25,2010
Conference: Febuary 20-21, 2011