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第二届信息计算与应用国际会议征稿通知(ICICA 2011)
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(ICICA 2011)

20111028-31, 国·秦皇岛 北戴河


主办方:河北省现场统计学会 河北联合大学


2011年信息计算与应用国际会议(ICICA 2011) 为德国斯普林格出版社官方会议,将于1028-31日在中国秦皇岛北戴河举行(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。本次会议由河北省现场统计学会与河北联合大学理学院共同主办,由德国斯普林格出版社LNCS出版分社、德国斯普林格出版社CCIS出版分社、TTP出版社、南洋理工大学、河北联合大学、燕山大学、东北大学秦皇岛分校等协办(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。本次会议旨在为在信息计算及其应用领域内的科研工作者提供一个交流成果和先进技术的平台(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。会议期间将有中科院院士和知名杂志主编等专家、学者做专题报告(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。

2011年信息计算与应用国际会议(ICICA 2011)包括以下主题(但征稿不局限于下面所列主题):

l    互联网计算与应用

l    普适计算与应用

l    Web 计算与应用

l    量子、分子计算与应用

l    云计算与应用

l    可扩展计算与应用

l    网格计算与应用

l    多媒体网络计算与应用

l    并行计算与应用

l    社会网络计算与应用

l    分布式计算与应用

l    生物启发、DNA计算与应用

l    集群计算与应用

l    科学与工程计算及应用

l    移动计算与应用

l    经济、金融计算与应用

l    智能计算与应用

l    可穿戴计算与应用

l    可信计算与应用

l    基因组、蛋白质组计算与应用

l    自由计算与应用

l    统计计算与应用

l    进化计算与应用

l    其它计算与应用


本次会议只接收原创的、没有公开发表的论文,录用的文章将在斯普林格出版社出版,共出版三卷,其中一卷由LNCSLecture Notes in Computer Science)出版,另外两卷由CCISCommunications in Computer and Information Science)出版,按照以往惯例,LNCSCCIS将全部由EIISTP双检索(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。


LNCShttp://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID =0-164-7-72376-0

CCIShttp://www.springer.com/computer?SGWID=0-146-6- 466612-0

其中要求所有文章不低于8页(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。

    同时,LNCSCCIS中共有近120将被推荐并发表到国际知名期刊(SCIEI源刊)上,其中LNCS中约70篇,CCIS中约50篇,具体刊物如下 (网址点击即可链接到相关刊物主页)


l World Wide Web (SCI, EI)

l Mobile Networks and Applications (SCI, EI) 

l Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (SCI, EI)

l International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (EI)

l International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (EI)

l Journal of Networks (EI)

l Journal of Multimedia (EI)

l International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (EI)

l Journal of Computers (EI)

l Journal of Software (EI)

l International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (EI)



截稿日期:2011625       录用日期:201171





第一届信息计算与应用国际会议(ICICA2010)201010月在美丽的中国·唐山举行,共录用来自德国、法国、波兰、伊朗、印度、巴基斯坦、马来西亚、巴西、加拿大、中国大陆和台湾等20多个国家和地区的稿件248篇,于201012月底完成全部EI检索(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。已经推荐并正式录用128篇优秀论文到EI源刊中,将分别于201110月和20122月出版(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。






Call for Papers

The 2th International Conference on Information Computing and Applications


October 28-31, 2011

Beidaihe Qinhuangdao, China


Organized by: Hebei Applied Statistics Society and Hebei United University, College of Science

Sponsored by: Springer, LNCS, CCIS, TTP, Nanyang Technological University, Hebei United University, Yanshan University, Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao

The 2011 International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (ICICA 2011) will be held on October 28-31, 2011, in Beidaihe Qinhuangdao, China. This conference is organized by Hebei Applied Statistics Society, and sponsored by Springer, TTP, Nanyang Technological University, Hebei United University, Yanshan University, Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao. This conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange research results and share development experiences on information computing and applications.

The upcoming ICICA 2011 proceedings covers, but not limited to the following areas in information computing and applications:

l    Internet Computing 

l    Pervasive Computing

l    Web Computing

l    Quantum and Molecular Computations

l    Cloud Computing

l    Scalable Computing

l    Grid computing

l    Multimedia Networking and Computing

l    Parallel Computing

l    Social Networking and Computing

l    Distributed Computing

l    Bio-inspired and DNA Computing

l    Cluster Computing

l    Scientific and Engineering Computing

l    Mobile Computing

l    Computational Economics and Finance

l    Intelligent Computing

l    Wearable Computing

l    Trusted Computing

l    Computational Genomics and Proteomics

l    Autonomy-Oriented Computing

l    Computational Statistics

l    Evolutionary Computing

l    Other Applications

Submission and Publication

Only original and unpublished paper will be considered. The accepted papers will be collected into the three volumes of the proceedings that will be published by Springer, including one volume in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), and two volumes in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). LNCS and CCIS should be indexed by EI and ISTP according the previous Springer proceedings index results.

All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically through the conference website. The manuscripts should be written in English, and follow the LNCS/CCIS format provided at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID= 0-164-7-72376-0  and http://www.springer.com/computer?SGWID=0-146-6-46661 2-0 on Springer website. Papers are limited to 8 to 10 pages for LNCS and CCIS.

Selected papers will be published by several special issues in well-known international journals (SCI, EI). About 70 papers from LNCS and 50 papers from CCIS respectively (total almost 120 papers) will be recommended to these journals.

l World Wide Web (SCI, EI)

l Mobile Networks and Applications (SCI, EI) 

l Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (SCI, EI)

l International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (EI)

l       International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (EI)

l Journal of Multimedia (EI)

l International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (EI)

l Journal of Computers (EI)

l Journal of Software (EI)

l International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (EI)

 l Journal of Networks (EI)

 Important Dates

Full paper due: June 25, 2011

Acceptance notification: July 1, 2011

Camera-ready submission: July 10, 2011

The submission system



会议时间 2011-10-28 至2011-10-31
会议地点 河北省
主办单位 河北省现场统计学会,河北联合大学理学院
联系人 QQ 群:109138930, 106210189
Email icica2011@gmail.com; icica2011@126.com
会议规模 不详
会议网址 http://icica2011.heut.edu.cn
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