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【AMMO2011】2011 International Conference on Advanced Materials in Microwaves and Optics(EI Compendex)
作者:佚名  文章来源:不详  点击数  更新时间:2011-10-23 20:14:43  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

September 30-October 1,2011, Bangkok, Thailand


All accepted papers will be published by Key Engineering Materials(ISSN:1013-9826, TTP


Publisher), which will be Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS www.scopus.com and Ei Compendex (CPX)


www.ei.org/. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) www.csa.com, Chemical Abstracts (CA)


www.cas.org, Google and Google Scholar google.com, ISI (ISTP) www.isinet.com, Institution of


Electrical Engineers (IEE) www.iee.org, etc.


所有被AMM02011录用的文章将被KEMISSN: 1013-9826,TTP出版社)出版,并将被EI检索(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。




有任何中文字符(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。


l Submisstion system投稿系统https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ammo2011

l Submission Due 截稿时间: May 25, 2011

l Paper Format: http://www.ited.org.cn/ammo/submission.htm

l Contact: ammo2011@163.com

会议时间 2011-09-30 至2011-10-01
会议地点 其他
Email ammo2011@163.com
会议规模 不详
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