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2011 International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences (ICLISS 2011)
November 26-27, 2011,Hong Kong
Communications in Computer and Information Science (ISSN: 1865-0929)]期刊EI检索
We are delighted to invite you to participate in 2011 International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences (ICLISS 2011) in Hong Kong, November 26-27, 2011. The theme of ICCLISS 2011 is: Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences. The mission is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences.
ICLISS 2011 物流,信息,服务科学国际学术会议将于2011年11月26-27日在香港召开,会议由IERI,CCIS等单位主办,论文将由EI期刊Communications in Computer and Information Science (ISSN: 1865-0929)出版,所有论文必须为英文(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。欢迎物流、信息、数学、逻辑、计算机、管理等专业专家投稿!
Paper Submission Due : July 10-August 20, 2011
Acceptance notification: before August 20,2011 (we need at least two weeks to review papers in order to make high quality)
会议时间 2011-11-26 至2011-11-27
会议地点 香港特别行政区
主办单位 Communications in Computer and Information Science
联系人 Prof.Wang
电话 18602701363
Email ICLISS2011@163.com
会议规模 不详
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