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2011 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent System
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全文截稿日期: 2010-12-30
论文录用通知日期: 2011-1-7 

交修订版截止日期: 2011-1-15  

The central theme of the IEEE-CYBER 2011 Conference will be Intelligent Cyber Systems in Automation and Control. Today’s automation systems are increasingly equipped with sophisticated sensors and network interfaces to facilitate real-time monitoring and control through the cyber space. As networking technology continues to increase in bandwidth and decrease in price, this trend is expected to grow by leaps and bounds as new generations of internet-friendly automation systems become more and more interconnected to provide not only fast, cost-effective, and yet advanced intelligent control to a wide variety of areas such as health-care, homeland security, energy, telecommunications, environment, transportation, and manufacturing.  
2011 IEEE-CYBER国际会议的主题为基于自动化和控制的智能化物联网系统(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。如今由精密传感器和网络接口构成的自动化系统日益完备,从而使利用网络空间进行的实时检测和控制愈加便利(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。随着网络技术的发展,带宽不断增加、价格持续下降,物联网越来越具有相互关联性,并飞速地成长为新一代互联网友好的自动化系统(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。它不仅速度快、效费比高,而且能够提供多种领域先进的智能控制,如医疗保健、国土安全、能源、电信、环境、交通和制造业等(EnPapers 论文翻译、英文论文修改、SCI论文润色)。   
Track 1: Internet of Things and Cyber Security Systems
·        Cyber Technology to protect critical infrastructures such as financial system, electric power grid, air traffic control system, and communication networks.
·        Computer security, computer networks, systems architecture, process control systems.
·        Software engineering, human-computer interaction, organization theory.  
Track 2: Integrative, Hybrid, and Complex Systems 
Research related to the design, development and implementation of new cyber-enabled complex and hybrid systems at all scales, including nano, micro, and macro.
·        Integrated sensing, communication, and computational systems.  
·        Signal processing and coding techniques for communications, sensing, and other applications.  
·        RF-Wireless, optical, and hybrid communications systems.  
·        Broadband and low power communications .  
·        Submillimeter-wave/Terahertz (THz) imaging and sensing.
·        Enabling technologies for intelligent communications systems.  
·        Sensors, actuators, and electronic Interfaces.  
·        Chemical, biological, physical diagnostic, and implantable systems.  
·        Environmental and early-warning monitoring systems.  
Track 3: Energy, Controls, and Adaptive Networks 
Research related to the design and analysis of intelligent and adaptive engineering networks, including sensing, imaging, controls, and computational technologies.
·        Distributed control of multi-agent systems with embedded computation for sensor and adaptive networks.
·        Adaptive dynamic programming, brain-like networked architectures performing real-time learning, neuromorphic engineering, telerobotics, and systems theory.  
·        Electric power networks and grids, including generation, transmission and integration of renewable, sustainable and distributed energy systems, such as fuel cells and micro-turbines in large power networks.  
·        Energy scavenging and storage; alternative energy technologies, including solar cells, ocean waves, wind, and geothermal.  
·        Micro- and nano-systems for large scale energy applications.   
General Chair : Tzyh-Jong Tarn (Washington Univ., USA) 
Co-Chair : Steve C. H. Tung (Univ. of Arkansas, USA)
Organizing Chair : Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya Univ., Japan) 
Co-Chair : James J. M. Chen (Kunming Univ. of Science and Tech., China)
Technical Program Chair : Frank Lewis (Univ. of Texas, Arlington, USA) 
Co-Chair : Bradley J. Nelson (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) 
Awards Committee Chair : Jie Huang (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 
Co-Chair : Hong Zhang (Univ. of Alberta., Canada) 
Publications Chair : Zhidong Wang (Chiba Inst. of Tech., Japan) 
Finance Chair : Xiaoping Yun (Naval Postgraduate School, USA) 
会议时间 2011-03-20 至2011-03-23
会议地点 云南省
主办单位 IEEE Nanotechnology Council, IEEE Automation and Robotics Society, and Kunming University of Science and Technology
联系人 童兆宏
电话 024-23970546
Email stevetung@sia.cn
会议规模 不详
会议网址 http://www.ieee-cyber.org/2011
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